Advertising the Wendover Fun Bus in Utah

There are many occasions on which to advertise the Wendover Fun Bus in Utah. This statement is true because this particular mode of transportation happens to be located within the territorial boundaries of the state of Utah. The important inquiry would be to figure out which population of people would make up the potential customer base for this particular service and then to channel the marketing attempts towards this population of people. It makes no sense to channel marketing to people who will never use this particular service. By contrast, it is a much more efficient use of resources to channel the marketing attempts only to those people who might take advantage of the service this bus provides.

Marketing the St George Shuttle in Utah

The next step in the process is to determine what is unique about the particular product or service and then to convey that uniqueness to the population of potential customers who make make use of it. For example, if a bus service travels a route that other bus services will not travel, this would qualify as a unique quality. Also, if the bus service provided a level of quality and comfort that other bus services did not, this would also qualify as a unique quality for that particular bus service and one worth mentioning in its advertising.

Another aspect to consider is what makes this particular product or service more native to the state of Utah than another product or service. This is the Advertise Utah Blog after all and we are in the business of writing blog posts about the advertising industry and its practices within the territorial boundaries of the state of Utah. Accordingly, it is incumbent upon us to write content on this subject but not in such a strict manner so as to omit other useful content.

The Peculiar Case of the St George Shuttle

Advertising the St George Shuttle is Utah is much the same as advertising a shuttle service in any other state. When one advertises for a shuttle one must look to the problem that the service solves and identify the population of people who need such a solution in their lives. The people who might be able to use a shuttle service would most likely be people who find themselves in one location but need to be in a different location at a later point in time and have no other means of accomplishing this feat on their own. Or perhaps they can perform this feat on their own but it is inconvenient to do so.

The Wendover Fun Bus Will Transport People But Only if the Service is Advertised Properly in Utah

As such, if a shuttle service desires to advertise to its potential clientele in Utah it must design an advertisement that is not only seen by its potential clientele but also catches their eye and speaks to their need. In order for the advertisement to be seen by the potential clientele it must be located in a place where they can see it. Obviously, with social media this is much easier to accomplish in the on line world.

In order for the advertisement to catch the eye of the potential client it must be presented in such a way so as to be interesting to the potential client. This requires that the creator of the advertisement knows what will and will not catch the eye of the potential client. In order for the the advertisement to speak to the needs of the potential client it must understand the potential client’s needs and then address them in a meaningful and authentic manner. Advertising in Utah is a simple business but it must be accomplished in a legitimate way.


The Peculiar Case of the Wendover Fun Bus Advertisement

A strange thing happened during the course of the Wendover Fun Bus advertising campaign. That is, while working on this particular advertisement campaign an event occurred which was not an event we anticipated or would have otherwise predicted had we been given the task of predicting events which would happen in the near future. There are probably an infinite number of reasons as to why we did not come to predict this mysterious event. One reason might be that there was no immediate need to predict this event. Or perhaps we might say that there was no immediate perceived need to predict this particular event.


Nevertheless, this mysterious event did come into being. It was made manifest (in other words) and for this very reason it requires discussion in order to fully understand the totality of its ramifications. Therefore, in order to begin the conversation we must first examine the need for this conversation and the reasons why this conversation is more important (say) than some other conversation that may be important for some other reason but does not rise to the same level of importance as this conversation seems to rise to.

Let us take a step back for a moment. This conversation is a layered and necessarily complex one and it is important (from the blog writer’s perspective) that the reader of this blog fully understand the substance of the content of this conversation before we proceed with further conversation. Obviously, if we were to proceed without this necessary foundation then we will in all likelihood proceed along the wrong path and then fall into error. Certainly, accuracy and truth are qualities that the Advertise Utah blog holds in very high regard and as such falling into error is a pitfall we wish to avoid.