Take Care Of Your Dental Emergency at The Dentist in Orem

dentist in orem


Dental accidents can happen at any time, knowing what to do when it occurs is very important. For all dental emergencies call your dentist in Orem and explain your situation the best you can so that way the dentist can schedule you an appointment right away. Most dentists have extra time in the day for emergency appointments. If an emergency happens when your dentist’s office is closed, it is best to visit your local emergency room.

What do I do if I crack my tooth?

If you think you have cracked your tooth immediately rinse your mouth with warm water and use a cold ice pack on the outside of your mouth to prevent swelling.  Using  inflammatory pain killers can also help from swelling such as ibuprofen and Advil

Treating a toothache.

Toothaches can be one of the worst feelings. Toothaches can keep you awake at night and make it difficult to stay focused during your day. To help with your toothache start by rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater. Use floss to gently remove any food stuck between your teeth, also take some over the counter medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin. 

What if my child breaks a tooth?

If your child cracks or breaks their tooth, find it and keep it.  Sometimes the chipped tooth can be bonded back onto the remaining tooth. Until you are able to get an appointment with your dentist, keep the cracked part of the tooth in a wet cloth or gauze. 

Fractured or broken jawline.

If you think your jaw is broken apply cold compresses to help with swelling. Go to your dentist in Orem or a hospital emergency room immediately.

Oral infection.

Another dental emergency can be an infection in your mouth. Some infections are cold sores or gingivitis, An infection that occurs on the floor of the mouth, under the tongue requires emergency medical care as the bacteria can travel from the oral cavity to the pericardial tissue around the heart. infections can cause terrible pain to the point where it interferes with your sleep even if you are taking over the counter pain medication. If this happens see your dentist in Orem immediately.

 If you are worried about pain or anxiety during your visit, the dentist has sedation that can help you relax and not feel any pain. Sedition allows you to experience a state of deep relaxation that helps relieve fear and anxiety. You will be relaxed and comfortable as you sleep through your dental treatment. You will wake up when the procedure is complete. 

If your procedure doesn’t require intense work the dentist can give you an option of laughing gas. Laughing gas also called Nitrous Oxide is a safe and effective sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose to help you relax.