dentist provo

Visiting a dentist in Provo might not be the most fun thing on earth but it is one of the most important things when it comes to good oral health.  It can be super easy to make up an excuse to skip your appointment, whether it is because you are scared or because it’s out of your budget, or you’re just simply lazy and might skip your appointment by telling yourself that you’ll go later because you feel like you don’t need to right now. However, waiting until a problem shows up is a very dangerous approach when it comes to your health. By the time something serious occurs, it might become extremely dangerous while other issues might be lurking out of sight. The real truth is that ignoring your dentist and avoiding regular 6-month appointments can only result in more problems as well as more money out of pocket in the future. Along with regular brushing and flossing your teeth, regular visits with a dentist is a vital preventative and it protects you from potentially serious health problems.

What happens at a dental check-up every 6 months?

When you go in for your regular 6 month check up, your hygienist and your dentist will take a close look at the health of your teeth. A dental check up is a great opportunity for you to tell your dentist if you’re having any oral discomfort.  During your check up the dentist will also look at your gums as well as the surrounding of your throat and your tongue to see if everything looks healthy.

Even if you have the best dental hygiene on a daily basis, you still cannot diagnose any dental issues by just simply thinking that nothing hurts. Even if you’re not experiencing any pain, oral issues can still arise. Your oral health is mainly affected by how well you brush and floss your teeth, your oral health is also linked to your overall health. If you avoid your 6 months check ups, you are not only risking potentially developing oral issues but you’re also increasing the risk of developing serious health conditions.

What are the benefits of going to the dentist every 6 months?

When it comes to the benefits, there are so many great ones. By visiting your dentist at least twice a year, you can reduce the risk of developing:

  • Cavities
  • Gum Disease
  • Oral Cancer
  • Plaque and tartar 

And your dentist in Provo does even more for you than just checking what is going on on the surface of your teeth. At your regular dental appointments, the dentist will also do an x-ray, which will show what is going on behind the scenes of your mouth. X-rays give the dentist a chance to really take a closer look and see if they can diagnose everything. Your dentist will also check around your neck, jaw and lymph nodes to make sure there is no swelling going on or any abnormalities going on.