Incredible Health Benefits of Using Float Spa Park City

float spa park city

A study has been researched and it showed that individuals who used float spa park city for 12 consecutive sessions noticed less pain, reduced stress, reduced anxiety as well as depression, and also improved quality of sleep at night. The results of the flat spa for some individuals lasted up to five months after floatation.

In one single study, a 24 years old individual who was diagnosed with autism, anxiety, and PTSD participated in the use of a float spa for a year and a half. The individual experienced many beneficial therapeutic effects which included better quality sleep, better wellbeing as well as healthier behaviors. The individual mentioned that they “feel good, like a whole new human being” and it made a great difference for that individual.

Float spa reduces stress

Using the float spa on the regular can combat stress in two ways. First, the water that has magnesium inhibits a hormone that drives your adrenal that helps relieve stress. Magnesium not only reduces stress but it also improves sleep and better sleep contributes to less stress.

In a very recent study, individuals who used the float spa a couple of times in two weeks saw their cortisol levels decrease by 20 percent. The study also showed that 50 percent of those individuals were able to handle stressful situations without having their cortisol spike up. The study also showed that the float spa increased relaxation, improved mood, and reduce chronic fatigue.

Floating reduces physical pain

For individuals who experience chronic pain due to stress and burnout, using the float spa can help them reduce the physical pain. A study has been shown that since people with chronic pain have used the float spa it has resulted in better flow of blood to the brain, organs and even libs which resulted in the reduction of physical pain.

Going in to use the float spa provides a significant reduction in muscle tensions, stress, anxiety, pain, and even sadness for the individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia. The use of a float spa also increases relaxation, energy, and better movement to the body.

Floating enhances better physical performance

Floating helps you recover much quicker from physical activities by reducing lactic acid inside your blood. Using the float spa allows the lactic acid to pass much faster, which can reduce the overall muscle pain as well as stiffness. Floating also brings benefits to on-the-field athletes as well. In one study a basketball player found that using the float spa improved his performance in the next game. The float spa brings you better focus while you’re playing a game on the field.

What Should Expect During Your First Appointment?

You can expect your float spa park city appointment to last about 60 to 90 minutes. One thing you might experience is restlessness in the tank until your body finally gets used to it. Some float spa studios even have waterproof speakers that will play meditations to help you get more relaxed during your session.


Hormone replacement therapy Salt Lake City (HRT) and menopause

 hormone replacement therapy salt lake city

What Is Menopause?

Menopause is when women’s menstruation comes to an end. Menopause happens because women will stop ovulating and the ovaries will no longer be able to produce estrogen. People also call menopause “the last period”. Menopause is very natural and for women it marks the end of their reproductive years. Many women but not all women can experience some uncomfortable symptoms during menopause, these symptoms can include hot flashes, sweating at night, insomnia, and even vaginal dryness. All these uncomfortable symptoms can be managed in different ways including participating in hormone replacement therapy salt Lake city. There are other ways that you can also manage the uncomfortable symptoms like eating healthier and increasing physical activity exercises.

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy which is also known as HRT, is a form of medication that contains hormones that can help women after their body stops producing the natural hormones during menopause. Hormone replacement therapy is used to treat uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.

While hormone replacement therapy can help reduce diseases like osteoporosis, cancer as well as heart disease, it might also increase chances of potentially developing blood clots or even breast cancer. These chances are very low when taking hormone replacement therapy.

Symptoms Of Menopause

Hormone replacement therapy can help reduce symptoms of menopause including:

  • Night sweats
  • Hot flashes
  • Bladder infections
  • UTI’s
  • Body pain and body aches
  • Insomnia
  • Memory loss
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Mood changes
  • Hair loss
  • Itchy eyes

Other Benefits Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Taking HRT can help reduce the risk of multiple conditions that can affect women after menopause, including:

Diabetes- Taking hormone replacement therapy during the time when a woman is expiring menopause can reduce the risk of developing diabetes after menopause.

Osteoporosis– Hormone replacement therapy can prevent further bone density loss which can reduce the risk of fractures in the body. Hormone replacement therapy is not recommended as the first choice of treatment for osteoporosis.

Bowel Cancer– Hormone replacement therapy can slightly help reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer

Heart Disease– Hormone replacement therapy has been shown that it can help reduce cardiovascular disease if the HRT is used during menopause.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Side Effects

Hormone replacement therapy needs to be prescribed by a doctor for each woman individually. Some women can end up experiencing side effects but it all depends on how much they are taking and the type of HRT. side effects will usually occur within the first month of taking HRT and these side effects might include:

  • Bleeding
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Tenderness in the breast

Health-Related Risks

Hormone replacement therapy does reduce the risk of developing some diseases, but it might also increase the risk of some other potential health issues. The benefits of hormone replacement therapy definitely outweigh the bad side effects, but it’s still very important that all women should speak to their doctor first before starting hormone replacement therapy salt lake city. Your doctor will give you the right recommendations of how much you will need to take and what kind you need to take so that your health stays safe.