Float Spa Park City Benefits: Everything You Need To Know

float spa park city

It doesn’t matter about what you are going through or what you are experiencing, there is no doubt that float spa park city can make you feel happier physically as well as mentally. A float spa also known as Sensory Deprivation Therapy can provide you both recovery as well as relaxation, it will also leave you feeling much better than you felt before you arrived.

But exactly what are the benefits of using the float spa regularly? Other than feeling relaxed and getting some peace and quiet, can the float spa provide you with other benefits? That is a great question to know the answer to if you are thinking about using the float spa soon.

Float Spa Benefits

  1. Provides Relief From Stress

Working or living somewhere where there are a lot of people and it’s super busy, your body can end up not getting enough proper rest, so it ends up making us feel achy and stressed out. Stressful events that happen every single day such as work issues, homework, deadlines, and financial troubles can all become some of the things that will make us slow down. 

When you use the float spa, everything from the outside world gets shut down, and you are left in an environment that is quiet, relaxing, and will give you a break from the outside world and all the negative things going on in your life.

  1. Strengthens The Immune System

One of the biggest reasons why float spas are so popular is because they can help you build up your immune system and they can keep you from getting sick.  Recent study has revealed that using the calming features in the floating in a spa can help bring all the positive thoughts towards your mind as well as increase recovery from an illness.

  1. Helps You Absorb Magnesium

During a float spa appointment, there is an extremely heavy amount of Epsom salt that gets added to the water to make sure that you’ll float with ease. Your skin is able to absorb the Epsom salt that gets added, which is a good supplement that your body needs. Epsom salt is great for preventing high blood pressure, osteoporosis as well as relieving painful symptoms of menopause.

  1. Helps You Sleep Better

When you use the float spa for a long period of time, it can help you improve the quality of your sleep. Studies have been shown that float spas sessions usually last about 90 minutes and people have said that the 90 minutes in the float spa felt like they slept for an entire night. After that 90 minutes, you will leave your session feeling completely refreshed and rejuvenated.

  1. Reduces Pain

The relaxation that comes from the float spa park city is very calm and an environment where your body gets filled with endorphins that can allow your body to reduce pain and recover from an injury. For those who are suffering from chronic pain, the float spa can make a big difference in your life.


Incredible Health Benefits of Using Float Spa Park City

float spa park city

A study has been researched and it showed that individuals who used float spa park city for 12 consecutive sessions noticed less pain, reduced stress, reduced anxiety as well as depression, and also improved quality of sleep at night. The results of the flat spa for some individuals lasted up to five months after floatation.

In one single study, a 24 years old individual who was diagnosed with autism, anxiety, and PTSD participated in the use of a float spa for a year and a half. The individual experienced many beneficial therapeutic effects which included better quality sleep, better wellbeing as well as healthier behaviors. The individual mentioned that they “feel good, like a whole new human being” and it made a great difference for that individual.

Float spa reduces stress

Using the float spa on the regular can combat stress in two ways. First, the water that has magnesium inhibits a hormone that drives your adrenal that helps relieve stress. Magnesium not only reduces stress but it also improves sleep and better sleep contributes to less stress.

In a very recent study, individuals who used the float spa a couple of times in two weeks saw their cortisol levels decrease by 20 percent. The study also showed that 50 percent of those individuals were able to handle stressful situations without having their cortisol spike up. The study also showed that the float spa increased relaxation, improved mood, and reduce chronic fatigue.

Floating reduces physical pain

For individuals who experience chronic pain due to stress and burnout, using the float spa can help them reduce the physical pain. A study has been shown that since people with chronic pain have used the float spa it has resulted in better flow of blood to the brain, organs and even libs which resulted in the reduction of physical pain.

Going in to use the float spa provides a significant reduction in muscle tensions, stress, anxiety, pain, and even sadness for the individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia. The use of a float spa also increases relaxation, energy, and better movement to the body.

Floating enhances better physical performance

Floating helps you recover much quicker from physical activities by reducing lactic acid inside your blood. Using the float spa allows the lactic acid to pass much faster, which can reduce the overall muscle pain as well as stiffness. Floating also brings benefits to on-the-field athletes as well. In one study a basketball player found that using the float spa improved his performance in the next game. The float spa brings you better focus while you’re playing a game on the field.

What Should Expect During Your First Appointment?

You can expect your float spa park city appointment to last about 60 to 90 minutes. One thing you might experience is restlessness in the tank until your body finally gets used to it. Some float spa studios even have waterproof speakers that will play meditations to help you get more relaxed during your session.