A Free GED Practice Test Can Give You Tips On How To Study

free ged practice test

We all know that when it comes to studying for a GED test can be very stressful. Studying for hours can be overwhelming when you aren’t sure how to study and what to study. You never want to waste time studying on infirmation you might not need on the test. A free  GED practice test has a lot of information on exactly what subject you should study about, it also has many tips on how to study easier without being overwhelmed. The main trick to studying is to study smarter and not harder. Below I will list a few tips on how to make studying easier.


Its been proven that any form of exercise like running or walking can boost your memory and brainpower. Exercise increases your heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to your brain. It also releases hormones which prove excellent growth of brain cells. So if you are getting ready to study or take a test you should go on a quick walk or run before.

2.Speak Out Loud

When you are reading a book or your notes you should read out loud. You are likely will remember a lot more information this way. Only speak out loud when you are studying alone, if you are in a study group or the library then you should read quietly.

3.Take Practice Tests.

It is always good to take many practice tests, this way if there’s a question that you don’t know to you can always look in your notes or look it up online. There also practice tests online that are very similar to the actual test, this can help you mow what you can expect on the test. 

4.Watch A Video On The Topic

 Videos are entertaining and can be more enjoyable than reading. If you absolutely hate reading then try to watch videos of the topic you are studying. Youtube is a great place where you can find any video you want. Most of the videos will have a teacher telling you the information and teachers are well educated and know the facts.

5.Search The Interner 

We all know that the internet has all information on anything. So if you are curious about the topic you are studying on and can’t find it in the book or notes well the internet will have an answer for you. When you find the answer it is best if you write it down, because if you write it and say it out loud while writing, it will help you remember the answer even more.

6.Reward Yourself

When you learn a topic well and you think you got it down, you should reward yourself with something like a treat before you move on to another topic. This can really motivate you to focus because you will know that after you understand the topic you will be rewarded. The best way to know if you can move on to the next topic is to take a free GED practice test, and if you get a great score then you know that you are ready to move on to the next topic.