What Kind Of Services Can You Get Done At Dentist Provo?


dentist provo

Most people today enjoy a clean and healthy mouth and keeping their teeth nice and pretty. But not everyone can achieve that for themselves. Cavities are one of the biggest reasons why people don’t achieve a healthy mouth and millions of Americans did not see their dentist provo in the past year or two, even though a regular check is a way to prevent cavities. 

Too many people nowadays believe that they only need to visit the dentist when they are in pain. Yes, you need to visit the dentist if you’re in pain but you also need to visit the dentist if you think everything is fine. It’s better to catch the issue before it becomes painful. Now let’s talk about what kind of services you can get done when you visit your dentist.

Orthodontic Services

Orthodontic services can help improve the alignment of your teeth. People who have overbite or crooked teeth can seek help from the dentist for orthodontic services. Orthodontic services can help straighten your teeth out and make your smile even more beautiful. Orthodontic services examples are braces, retainers, aligners, and specialized dental implants. 

Preventive Services

General dental visits often provide different varieties of preventive services. The preventive services are geared towards preserving dental health and avoiding major dental issues such as cavities and gum disease. The preventive care includes x rays, fluoride treatment, and routine cleanings and flossing. 

Root Canals 

A root canal treatment is meant for preventing the bacteria from infecting the root of the canal in your tooth. When someone gets a root canal, the infected pulp gets removed and the inside of the tooth gets cleaned out and disinfected, then it gets filled and sealed so that it can heal. 

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal can be performed by a dentist or a surgeon. If your dentist recommends that you need to get your wisdom teeth removed, they will do an x-ray of your mouth and tell you how many wisdom teeth you’ll need to be removed. Before you have your wisdom teeth removed, you will get put under anesthesia to make sure you’re numb and don’t feel any pain. If you get anxious about the procedure, your dentist might offer you a sedative that can help you relax. The sedative will be injected into your arm and it might even help you fall asleep. 

Emergency Service

There might be times that a dental emergency might occur, and you need it done right away. If that is the case a patient will need to visit the dentist right away and let them know it’s an emergency. Dentists usually will have someone available in case an emergency occurs. Dental energies can be a broken tooth, tooth loss, or a broken jaw. If for any reason you can get into a dentist for an emergency you’ll need to go straight to the emergency room. Speak with your dentist provo and find out what kind of services they offer.


Woman Eat Green Apple

Dentist in Orem Maintain Your Oral Health and Protect Your Overall Health

General health and dental health have a connection, but it is not visible. However, oral health influences overall health. Taking care of teeth ensures a beautiful smile, and it improves overall body health. People neglecting teeth care are sure to face serious health issues. You can consult a dentist in Orem and understand the seriousness.

Connection of Oral and General Health

The only area that the bacteria teems is your mouth. But it is harmless. Daily flossing and brushing keep the bacteria level under control. A person lacking oral care may face problems. Your bacteria multiply in your mouth, and in combination with sugar, it makes acids. It attacks your tooth, causing gum disease, cavities, periodontitis, and tooth decay, leading to infections spreading to other body parts.

A few health problems due to poor oral health includes:

Heart Attacks and Strokes

Not brushing teeth and flossing daily results in plaque build-up on your teeth. It increases the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Even cholesterol blocks the arteries. In oral plaque, the bacteria contribute to arteries blocking. As the plaque enters the artery bloodstream, it leads to stroke or heart attack. Visit your dentist in Provo UT, for regular check-ups.


A serious problem is gum disease. It gets inflamed that pulling away teeth becomes compulsory, and it results in forming gaps. The tooth gaps become infected. People with diabetes are unable to absorb insulin medication as it may lower the levels of blood sugar. People with persistently high blood sugar may have mouth infections causing inflammation. Thus, diabetes patients must maintain dental health.


You are aware that air flows into your lungs through your mouth. In case your mouth is full of harmful bacteria, the same enters your lungs and causes other respiratory problems and pneumonia. The elderly should ascertain to take care of their teeth, even their dentures, as illness may become life-threatening.

Affects Pregnancy

Pregnant women may consult a dentist in Orem and take prenatal vitamins. They can also go for check-ups regularly and avoid certain foods. Dental health is crucial, and so expectant mothers should take good care of their health so that their unborn baby is safe.

The pregnancy hormones increase, and it worsens the dental issues, existing if any. More alarming is that periodontitis puts at risk the babies if they are prematurely born or are born with low weight. Thus, proper dental health maintenance is a must during pregnancy for both baby and mother.

HIV patients at risk

HIV suffering people are the ones vulnerable to complications and infections. Minor infections may rapidly escalate, and this happens due to the weakened immune system. People living with HIV require to be extra alert in protecting their health in all aspects, and this includes dental health, as well.

Poor oral health is sure to cause problems, and the gateway is your mouth reaching the body. Maintain dental health to lower health issues.